I’m Not Just a Blogger

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Please don’t be mad at me if I don’t post a blog entry every day. I would absolutely love to, but I have a crazy life right now and a family that I love dearly. I’m not just a blogger.
I have a full time job in the finance industry. I actually really enjoy my job. It has been a great change from the work lifestyle I had before as manager in the hospitality industry. A lot less stress, and it provides me the opportunity to spend more time at home with my family and doing the things I love like camping, hiking, kayaking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. I love the company I work for, Credit Acceptance Corporation (plug inserted here). It is truly a great place to work, right now listed as number 43 on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list.
I have also been keeping myself very busy renovating my home. Last year, I busted down some walls and completely demoed half of the main floor in my home. I needed to build a new bedroom for my youngest daughter, Allie, who is about to turn one year old in a couple of weeks. Now, I have headed upstairs to our own bedroom in our bungalow home, and completely gutted that, moving our closet where it should have been, to open up the room a whole lot more. I’ve been redoing the electrical, the framing, the insulation, changing out the old knotty pine walls and cheap tiled ceilings for drywall.
I’m pretty handy and a DIYer (not trying to toot my own horn). I love learning how to do new things myself, and love the feeling I get when I accomplish something like this on my own (with some help from friends and family, of course).
However, it takes up a lot of time. At least my wife has agreed to give me at least a 5 year break from renovations after this job is complete. Thanks, my love.
Also, I decided to start this blog, which I absolutely love doing. Combining two of my biggest passions, writing and the outdoors, has been amazing. It has given me the opportunity to share my stories as well as give me a little inspiration to get out more and explore new places that I never knew were there. I have found hidden nature preserves and trails that I have been driving by every day.
My outdoor adventures and escapades will continue to get better as my kids grow, as I plan to include them in everything outdoors that I have a passion for. I want them to grow up cherishing nature and having fun just like I do.
This leads into my next passion, my family. I am truly a family man at heart, above all. I strive to be a great husband to my extraordinary, fabulous, gorgeous, incredible wife, Jackie. We just celebrated 11 wonderful years of marriage this past August. She truly is amazing. She is the best mother our two beautiful kids could ask for. She’s a down-to-earth, happy-go-lucky soul…just like me. We are absolutely perfect for each other.
I am extremely lucky to have been blessed with two beautiful little girls, Abby and Allie. I aspire to be a super-dad for these two kids. Abby is six years old, in first grade, and has been getting more and more interested in going on hikes with me. She absolutely loves the water, and has expressed her interest in wanting to learn to kayak. I just have to get her her own child-size kayak since she still has some to grow to be able to use ours. Christmas present, maybe? Allie is about to celebrate her first birthday in a couple of weeks, as I stated. She is absolutely adorable. She is the happiest little girl I know, and growing like a weed. She just started standing a little bit on her own, and about to take her first steps any day now (I can feel it). I can’t wait for her to start talking and building a personality (well…maybe I can for a little while more, at least).
I have a beagle as well, Kacy. She is a beautiful dog who loves to sleep and snore on the couch next to me. She adores the kids. She also loves the outdoors, as she is probably at the door to go outside almost every 15-20 minutes. She barks at the squirrels and rabbits that run past the doorwall, and will stay outside until we call for her to come in. I just can’t get her used to the water.
As you can see, I have all girls in my home, which leaves me as the only form of testosterone in my family. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me. It makes me feel more like a man, and extreme gratitude goes out to my wife for allowing me to have my man cave in my garage with a bar, pool table and dartboard, and allows me to display all of my pirate stuff in the house. Yes, I am a gigantic pirate nerd. I have model ships, jolly rogers, ships wheels, pirate posters, ship paintings, and treasure maps all over the walls of my family room, living room, and man cave. Don’t judge me (haha).
So, as you can see, I have a lot on my plate. Things will settle down for me…one day (a man can dream). But until then, I will try my darndest to continue doing all these things that make me happy. I will continue to adventure and explore nature and enjoy the outdoors. I will continue to write and share my stories with the world on my blog. I will continue to be the best husband and father my family can ask for. I will continue to be a great friend to all who I consider my friends. I will continue to be the best man that I can be.
3 thoughts on “I’m Not Just a Blogger”
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Lovely family and it’s awesome you enjoy your work. Home reno’s can be stressful but oh so fun at the same time. A little kayak sounds like a perfect Christmas present …. father/daughter adventures.
BTW … I usually unfollow anyone who blogs daily. Strive for once or twice a week or whatever works for you and make no apologies. Keep it fun 🙂
Cool blog Bob, awesome seeing & reading about you truly enjoying life! Take care!
Sal, thanks buddy. Glad you had a chance to check out my blog. I’m excited to be doing this now. A way to share my stories and do much more with my passion for the outdoors. I hope you continue to enjoy. Good hearing from you, old friend.