Category: Hiking

Gear Review – Swerve Backpack from High SierraGear Review – Swerve Backpack from High Sierra
If you are anything at all like me, you may not always have the available time to regularly go out hiking overnight, for a weekend, or longer, though we may[...]

Hiking Etiquette; Discussing The Unwritten Rules…Inspired By Real Hikers and BackpackersHiking Etiquette; Discussing The Unwritten Rules…Inspired By Real Hikers and Backpackers
I was brainstorming on what to write for my next article, and decided to take a short break. I was intrigued by an article I read in my Backpacker Magazine[...]

Best and Worst Hiking Trail Finder Apps ReviewedBest and Worst Hiking Trail Finder Apps Reviewed
There has been a lot of craziness in our house lately with renovations, hosting a large family party for my daughter’s first birthday party, getting all of the Halloween decorations[...]

Haven Hill Historical HikeHaven Hill Historical Hike
It was Friday, and the day at work seemed to never end. I needed a release. Some good ol’ fresh air and nature should do the trick. I wanted a[...]