
Haven Hill Historical Hike

It was Friday, and the day at work seemed to never end. I needed a release. Some good ol’ fresh air and nature should do the trick. I wanted a little bit of a challenge, so I started doing my research and decided that I want to get some good views on my hike after […]

A Hidden Away Suburban Oasis Featured Image

A Hidden Away Suburban Oasis

My drive to work this morning was kind of boring. I took the freeway, like I normally do when I work on Saturdays, since there’s a whole lot less traffic and it’s usually smooth sailing. I’m not sure what was going on in Royal Oak today, but there was a huge back-up of traffic both […]

cleanup your inbox featured image

Take Time To Cleanup Your Inbox

Okay, now I know that this isn't an Outdoor entry, and I apologize in advance. However, if you're going to follow my blog, you are going to get some entries and stories that are off the beaten path. Okay then. Now that we have that out of the way...I'd like to begin with a complaint […]

GYLBO Feature Image

GYLBO?!? What the heck is GYLBO?

GYLBO?!?So, I bet you’re wondering…what the heck is GYLBO? Well, it stands for Get Your Lazy Butt Outside. I have always loved the great outdoors and everything it entails. Excitement, adventure, nature, relaxation, and just plain getting away from normal everyday life. Too many people these days are stuck in the social media world, glued […]