
Gear Review – Swerve Backpack from High Sierra

If you are anything at all like me, you may not always have the available time to regularly go out hiking overnight, for a weekend, or longer, though we may wish that we had the freedom to do so.  Most of us have responsibilities of a job, family, and a multitude of other things that […]

Happy Halloween From The Outdoor Soul

The Outdoor Soul would like to wish you a safe and Happy Halloween!  Trick or treat!!

Hiking Etiquette; Discussing The Unwritten Rules…Inspired By Real Hikers and Backpackers

I was brainstorming on what to write for my next article, and decided to take a short break. I was intrigued by an article I read in my Backpacker Magazine about hiking etiquette. I began by googling hiking etiquette, and starting to take notes about what I came across. However, I wanted to get some […]

Best and Worst Hiking Trail Finder Apps Reviewed

There has been a lot of craziness in our house lately with renovations, hosting a large family party for my daughter’s first birthday party, getting all of the Halloween decorations together, and of course the usual craziness that goes on in our family.  I just have to close my eyes keep telling myself “Remember, as […]

Outdoor Michigander – What Is To Come This Winter?

Being an Outdoor Michigander, a true Midwesterninian, a Lord of The Great Lakes State (or whatever you want to call it), I truly dread this time of year.  It’s always a sad moment for me, almost to the point of tears, when I usually spend a weekend slowly, regretfully, and painfully putting away my outdoor […]

What Do I Need When Camping For Just A Weekend?

This is the big one.  The big bad mama jama.  The tsunami of all questions for us outdoor type folk.  What do I need to bring with me when camping for just a weekend? I am leaving early tomorrow morning for a two day kayaking adventure on the Pine River in Manistee National Forest, and […]

Posting versus Editing: The Main Event

I have come across a daunting dilemma lately.  I have been torn between two things that are important, and both must be accomplished.  Ladies and gentlemen…people of all ages and backgrounds…tonight’s matchup is a going to be a grueling battle…welcome to the main event.  In the red corner, from the vivid imagination, I give you […]